In Japanese cuisine, sushi is a food made of vinegared rice combined with a topping or filling of fish, seafood, vegetables, or egg. The topping may be raw, cooked, or marinated; and may be served scattered in a bowl of rice, rolled in a strip of seaweed (Nori), laid onto hand-formed clumps of rice, or stuffed in a small tofu pouch.
I love sushi but I'm very selective. You should try the salmon, tuna and the one with roe. Those are my fave. And I have the wasabi and soy like you do.
Yeah, I really like the ones with the roe on/in them. Little pops of salty goodness :)
Nice to see I am not the only one that has the wasabi like I do. No one around here does and they think I an odd...(I think it's for the wasabi thing?)